Infant feeding, Weaning, Feeding, Feeding difficulties Stacey Zimmels Infant feeding, Weaning, Feeding, Feeding difficulties Stacey Zimmels

Portion sizes for Weaning

When it comes to knowing how much to food to prepare for your weaning infant, or how much they ‘should’ be eating, many of us are lost. We scour the internet for guidance on portion sizes but can’t find the information. This is because there are no agreed portion sizes for infants.

So what influences how much a weaning baby may eat?

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Weaning, Feeding Stacey Zimmels Weaning, Feeding Stacey Zimmels

Iron for babies

I find myself talking about iron to parents a lot of the time in my nutrition practice, but that is because it is such an important nutrient for babies and young children! In this blog I will explain why iron is such a critical nutrient and how to provide enough iron in your baby’s diet.

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Infant feeding, Weaning, Feeding difficulties Stacey Zimmels Infant feeding, Weaning, Feeding difficulties Stacey Zimmels

Gagging, Coughing & Choking: Everything you need to know

Introducing solid foods to your baby is an exciting time. However, for some of the parents I work with it can also be worrying for fear of gagging and choking. Below is some useful information to help you feel more confident when weaning your baby to solid foods.

Gagging is a normal protective reflex that is highly sensitive when weaning starts. This is because its designed to stop your baby from choking

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