Toddler eating, Feeding, Feeding difficulties Stacey Zimmels Toddler eating, Feeding, Feeding difficulties Stacey Zimmels

14 easy food play ideas for babies, toddlers and children

There is so much learning that can happen when children are given opportunities to explore and play with food. When I say ‘food’ I am covering both edible and dried food options too. It’s so important to give children the time and space to explore the sensory properties of different foods and become more comfortable with how it will eventually feel in their mouths. It gives them a context to play with food outside the regular meal times, which I have personally found, eases the pressure and gives my daughter the responsibility to decide whether she wants to have a taste or not.

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Feeding Trauma

I support families of children who have feeding difficulties, I also support many parents, usually mothers, who feel low and isolated and who tell me they feel they feel helpless or that they are failing. It is important to me to always talk to families about how they are feeling and the journey they have been are on as I strongly believe that families can be traumatised by challenging early feeding experiences and that part of my role is to listen and help.

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Feeding difficulties and Cow's Milk Allergy

ow's milk allergy (CMA) is the leading cause of food allergy in children under 3 years of age. It is thought to peak in the first year of life, with true CMA affecting 2-3% of the infant population.

CMA can be IgE or Non-IgE mediated or a mixture of both. IgE mediated allergy will present as an immediate reaction to the milk protein and your child may develop hives or breathing difficulties

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